Hello, again

New year, new website? Not really.

I haven’t updated my old website, rothwell.im, since 2015, when I (still at university) got cross about the Government’s scheme advertising fibre broadband. Four years ago! That’s before the Brexit referendum was even a twinkle in David Cameron’s eye.

This website, as you may guess from the .dev TLD, will mainly be talking about software development. Since the last time I blogged, I’ve been in a new job (almost four years, now!) And I’ve also got more and more alarmed about the state of the world, and the part the tech industry has played in it.

So that’s what this is. This website will be dedicated to the profession of software development; and to how we can make the industry less awful, more inclusive, and turn the tide of tech being used as a tool to trample the downtrodden.

Soon enough, I’ll launch a new site for other stuff, too. I want to see if I can use Hugo, the static site generator I’ve used for this site, to host my science fiction stories and a few other projects.

But that’s for another day! For now, thanks for visiting. And I guess I’ll write some more stuff here. Some day…